good cat network news


I met Screwball the latter half of 2017, the year my husband and I bought our first house together. As we walked around the neighborhood, introducing ourselves to the neighbors, Screwball introduced himself. He ran up to me the way one might imagine a carefree golden retriever might: with absolutely no hesitation and a look of determination and joy on his face. I crouched down to pet this dog-acting cat, and he jumped right onto my lap. He was a short-haired blond cat with eyes that seemed to be in a perpetual squint, and distinctive tail all coiled up into a

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Pet Portraits with a Purpose

Maddy of Madelynne Lorraine Photography has been a dear friend for many years, and when we started Good Cat Network she was the first to offer her photography services to us. Most of the portraits you see on our website and social media are from Maddy. She also documented Good Cat Network’s milestones like the day we celebrated 500 cats flown through our Operation Aloha Cat program, the announcement of our partnership with Honi Honi Cats Maui, and to honor special donors like Sara Patton and Gary Thompson. Now she is offering her photography services in the form of pet

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Ringo’s Adoption Story

Ringo (formerly Joey) was fostered by @honihonicatsmaui, flew on the special Operation Aloha Cat @roammaui flight to Seattle on August 20th (donated by @plantifulshelly & ohana) where he was picked up by the amazing @thecritterroom & @whiskersathome, livestreamed overnight and then brought to @paws_wa the next day (pinned reel if you want to watch!) But let’s get to the REALLY good part (as told by Ashley, Ringo’s adopter): “About a week ago Sage and I unexpectedly lost our beloved 12 year old cat, Olivia (Livi). The next day we woke up heartbroken. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. We decided to get out of the house and

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Good Cat Network is TWO YEARS OLD!

Can you believe it? (We can’t) It’s been a wild ride – 47 flights through our Operation Aloha Cat program and over 700 cats finding new, loving homes on the continent – we’re pretty as they say, stoked, to just keep on goin’!  A huge mahalo to our to our partners, donors, grantors, volunteers, friends and supporters who have made this possible, we could not have done it without you.

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Brynley, the eight-year-old from Florida raising money for Hawai’i rescues

When mom and animal-activist Heather wrote us shortly after the Maui Wildfires saying that her daughter Brynley wanted to make jewelry to raise money for Good Cat Network, I burst into tears. When I learned about Brynley’s impressive philanthropic resume over her short life, the tears continued! This eight-year-old has done so much to raise awareness of animal rights and radiates kindness wherever she goes. Being down about the world is easy these days, but learning about Brynley and what she is doing to change the world is what gives me hope for the next generation and the future of

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Cosmo’s Rescue and Foster Story

I met Hanna over the phone back in early 2022 when Good Cat Network was just two months old. We were encouraged to collaborate by a county council member on a project that would help mitigate the cat overpopulation on Maui. Hanna is a scientist, one that studies endangered birds at Maui Forest Bird Restoration, and is well versed in the problems that cats can pose to their populations. She’s not just any scientist, either. She was just interviewed for the NY Times in an interesting, yet sobering piece about how climate change is affecting extinction species scientists (this is

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